Tuesday, December 22, 2009

NOTD: P2 Dangerous

Just a quick NOTD post. Had to try one of the new polishes, had a hard time deciding which one but finally settled on P2 Dangerous, a nice dark dusty teal.
It was super shiny and pretty this morning but after a day at work it's far from as shiny. But it didn't chip and there's no tipwear so it definitely wears well!

It's more teal in reality, the bottle color is more accurate. Snapped this picture after work so imagine it being much more shiny :P

This polish was really pigmented, could have gotten away with only one coat. But it was kind of thick and didn't apply that smoothly. Since it's my first time using a P2 polish I don't know if its only my bottle or if it's the formula, will add some thinner before I use it next time though. Had to do 2 coats to smooth it all out. I liked the brush, it's a little wider than a regular brush, but not shaped as the OPI brushes. Still a nice brush though, easy to work with. Overall I'm happy and surprised by the quality of this drugstore polish. Seems to be long wearability too, since I can hardly tell I've been at work other than the shine is pretty much gone but that could be fixed with some topcoat and it'd look like new!


Sylvie said...

we have p2 in Germany, too. It's a nice brand, I use some of the more pigmented polishes for stamping (the black for example and the silver work very well, haven't tried the teal one for stamping yet, but wore it 2 times on its own already). p2 is nice.
(the "rich" looked much better in the bottle than on my hands though, the sparkle just didn't want to show)

but the essence polishes ... well, they didn't work well with me. In my opinion, the quality of the essence nailpolishes ranges from good to medium to bad, depending on color and editions.
For example I had this deep beautiful blue which I put on my nails before going to sleep. The next morning 2 of my nails were chipped (just while I was sleeping!) and after 4 hours office work all nails had serious tipwear and chippings. Really bad.

But there were also some essence polishes that held quite well, so I think it depends on the color. You will find out :)
Just don't be disappointed if one color or the other is worse than another, it's just a problem of essence.

The Nfu-Ohs on the other hand are lovely. I own 5 of them and love every single one of them. Try layering them over different opaque colors instead of only using 4 coats of the Nfu-Oh themselves. Aren't the bottles gorgeous? Love them.

Kirsten (The Dutch Nail Blog) said...

The teal works great for stamping. I loved it over Misa DSM and Diamond Cosmetics DTMHA.

I had no trouble with the formula, maybe it's the bottle. I love the colour on you. Did you wear it without a topcoat?

Anna said...

@gildedangel Thank you :)

@Sylvie Hope I'll have better luck with the Essence polishes. I normally only wear a color for a day before I get bored and change :P I love the colors, think I'll try one today actually! I've been lemming Nfu-Oh flakies for so long and it feels nice to finally have a few. Tried layering them over black and dark green on fake nail tips. Looks great!

@Kirsten Right on! I need to try stamping with it, maybe for my new years design I'm still working on! I used poshé on top, I can't live without it :P Oddly enough my nails look a bit more shiny today as I'm about to remove the polish than they did last night.

Anonymous said...

ooo pretty colour! I like dusty shades of nail varnish (currently on the hunt for a dusty pink/rose) I like how there's no shimmer too! Perfect winter n/p :)

Anna said...

@Kelly Try Angora Cardi from the Essie 2009 fall collection. I guess it's more mauve than pink though, but it's nice and dusty :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the rec! I've seen this n/p and it does look gorg! Might just have to pick it up

chocaddict said...

I love "dangerous"! In fact I had swatched it on my blog a while back and I had to go and buy 6 of it for friends who wanted it but can't get it as we don't have P2 polishes in France ^_^ They're lucky mum lives near Germany!

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