Thursday, December 3, 2009

TNNOTW: China Glaze Cords

What does TNNOTW stand for you might ask? It's The Ninjas Nails of the Week, a new segement for this blog that premiers today! WOO! Beer and cake for everyone!
It is exactly what it sounds like, my very own nail ninja will sneak in with pictures of her nails once a week! To give you guys a break from watching my nails all the time :P

Without further ado I bring you, no SHE brings you China Glaze Cords

China Glaze Cords is a warm grey from the Retro Diva collection that came out this fall. It looks almost light brown or taupe in some lights, can especially see it in this picture. Really interesting and gorgeous with a slight shimmer.

Colder lighting brings out the more grey tones

Looks gorgeous in the bottle!

This was 3 coats but it would have been enough with 2. Application was easy, just love the China Glaze brushes!

That's what I had for you this week
*sneaks off again*


Shayla said...

I never thought I liked this color, but now I totally do!

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Naptown, La La Land, Sweden
Nail Nerd by day, Ninja by night! My favourite things are informercials and thumb tacs... NO! It's nails of course! and ninjas. Nails and ninjas.. yup!
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