Friday, January 22, 2010

Orly Sweet Swatches

Here they are, what you've all been waiting for! Or even if you didn't, here's swatches of the half of the Sweet collection that I recived.

L to R: Gumdrop, Cotton Candy and Lollipop
This is half of the Sweet collection - available April 2010

Orly Gumdrop
Gumdrop is a turquoise pastel creme. I had expected this to be more mint green for some reason, the promo text says turquoise though and that's exactly what it is. It's really flattering on me and I can definitely see myself wearing this alot later this spring. It took 2 coats for it to be opaque and I had no application issues what so ever, the formula was smooth and easy to work with.

Orly Cotton Candy
This baby was a surprise! As I've said before this wasn't really appealing to me. Never had a thing for light pinks and this one looked like a pig pink in the bottle, the colour a cartoon pig would have, but with a slight peachy tone. My skintone brought out all that peachy goodness though, to my delight. It really is peachy, or like a pastel coral on me. It's a great spring and summer colour. Really want to wear this on my toes. This one was a bit streaky and stringy and it took 3 coats and topcoat for it to be opaque and even.

Orly Lollipop
This was a colour I thought I would love but I didn't, I like it but I don't love it. It is a pretty purple pastel, but it made my hands look super pale, like I'm undead or something. I have a golden undertone, that shows in the picture but in reality it made my skintone look grey and pale. I will give it another chance when I've developed a little tan, or atleast got more colour on my skin from not being freezing all the time! On the good side it was almost opaque in one coat, had I put a little more polish on the brush to cover my whole nail I would have stopped at that. But I didn't and got some streaks so I needed a 2nd coat to even it out.

Over all I'm happy with these colours, and I want a few more from this collection especially the yellow one, it looks great in the swatches I've seen! I thought the formula was good on all of these, was only Cotton Candy who gave me a little problem but it was easily fixable by applying 3 coats so it was no biggie. I think Gumdrop is my favourite and Cotton Candy as the close 2nd and last Lollipop, but I have a feeling I'll change my mind later on when I try them against more tanned skin. I'm again happy that Orly sent me a colour I would never have picked myself cause I ended up liking it far more than I thought. They came with little lipglosses but one was missing so I decided not to swatch those, I can tell you that they smell GREAT though, like fruity candy, I just love sniffing them, too bad they don't taste as good as they smell! These colours will be available in april so keep your eyes out at your favourite e-tailers!

*Products courtesy of Laforce + Stevens


Kirsten (The Dutch Nail Blog) said...

Oooh they look pretty!
Too bad you don't like the purple one. That is my absolute favourite!

Xuan-An said...

They all look great on you! Of those 3, Cotton Candy is my favourite!

Polish'd Cindy said...

I'm not much of a pastel person, but these are really pretty and they look lovely on you.

Paige said...

Those are gorgeous pastels!

Rebecca said...

You just made me want Cotton Candy sooo badly!

nihrida said...

Gumdrop & Lollipop = <3

polishedlyrics said...

Beautiful nails! I can't wait for these colors.

Lina Tran said...

I love those colours!!! It's a must have!

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